Asmodeus Astaroth Nyarla - Unknown Mother Goose - Red Velvet - Liar Dance

  • 投稿日:2019/11/3
  • 4737 再生
  • 68 いいね


Someone could not stop, sacrificing more and more poor little kittys on an altar, trying to summon Asmodeus, because that one wanted to see Asmodeus and Astaroth dancing together.
Soooo i recreated her then too.
Demons threefold.......Why does that sounds questionable (>_<)
Other Video #1: / /> Other Video #2: / /> Credits:
Red Twin Blades: be meeeee (Ow<)
Bodysuits/Gloves/Socks/Chokers: by me
Rings/Spheres/Hearts: by me
Eyes: by me
Bodys/Faces/Hair: cm3d2, custom modifications
Astaroth Wings, Armor Parts: by EndlessIllusion
Nyarla Wings: by 3DCG
Asmodeus Wings: by EndlessIllusion (but custom modified by me)
Asmodeus Infinity Badge and Hairband: by EndlessIllusion
Red Velvet MEDLEY: / /> Unknown Mother Goose: / /> Liar Dance: /