[Pokemon] THICC May/Haruka - Jaipur Dance - Erotic Squatting

00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2022/6/29
  • 31600 再生
  • 688 いいね


Realy liking the thicc pokegirl artworks from dd41023237, kawahagitei, konno tohiro
So i thought i try again making a thicc may recreation and reused that ReVAmped Body V4 with custom edits again.
And remade mays clothings for that body and also made some "special" clothings that i often see in they thicc artworks.
MMD Motions used:
Jaipur dance by ものたまっ (ものたまご)
Erotic Squatting by ?? (dl from Dr.Cossack)