Kangxi (Black Knight) Me & You

  • 投稿日:2020/12/17
  • 5330 再生
  • 179 いいね


Played around with more lens flares, a more subtle one this time, Godrays, ray cast, and tried my hand at Depth of field/Focus.
I hope my mmd putting togethering (is that a word? /shrug) is improving.
Model - Original Model:YYB(三目YYB)
Nude Body Edit:Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Chest Phisical:Hazy
Dark Knight Cloth:Simba
Final Edit:GentleWhiteCat
motion - EXID Me&You
* I don't own or create anything in the video, I only put together motions models and effects created by people way more talented than I am, this is all for fun and lewding, lolis included. NO money is ever made from these videos nor is money ever planned. Enjoy.