I don't know who the original uploader is, but this post in Sankaku seems to have the oldest date, and also the only other place I can find this compilation. If you know who the original uploader is (and have proof), please send me a message./ />
Someone decided to make this absolutely WONDERFUL little compilation of every Moving E.C.M. scene, and added SFX to it. Don't know who did it, but I'll reupload it to my channel in hopes of being able to archive it. You know any Zankuro E.C.M. video and you don't see it in my channel? Please DM it. Though I only ever made this account in hopes of finding "Hentai Loli Pussy cat - Shave it weo" (which I did), I'll still keep up with any video of E.C.M.
Special thanks to: giftfrom for finding the video.
Do you like these videos? None of them are made by me, and even the assets aren't made by their original creators. Buy the original source here, and look at a few of the artist's original works as well. This channel and its content wouldn't exist without them.
Zankuro Pixiv: / />
Moving E.C.M. Series: / />
-DISCLAIMER: I do not make any money off of these videos.