4K HEVC(H.265)/ passes by a tavern and is captivated by a sign that catches her eye."Girls drink free!" The sweet words fill her with excitement, and without any suspicion, she steps inside and takes a sip with innocent curiosity.However, within that drink lurks the shadow of desires creeping in the darkness.\nWith each sip, an irresistible drowsiness quietly creeps up on her.As her consciousness gradually fades, Maya unknowingly falls into a deep sleep――.舞夜路过一家酒馆,被吸引眼球的招牌夺去了心神。“女孩子喝酒免费!”这甜美的话语让她心潮澎湃,毫无怀疑地走进店内,怀着无邪的好奇心抿了一口酒。然而,那一杯酒中潜藏着黑暗中蠢动的欲望阴影。每饮一口,无法抗拒的困意悄然袭来。意识逐渐模糊,舞夜在毫不知情的情况下陷入了深深的沉睡——。SNSX (Twitter)Missky.ioSupport (No paid contents)PatreonFantia