[Azur Lane] Relaxing Retreat

  • 投稿日:2024/7/4
  • 20355 再生
  • 1013 いいね


你好!感謝您查看這個帖子!很抱歉最近沒什麼上傳,最近有点忙,沒時間按照計劃重新編碼和上傳舊視頻。但一如既往,您可以從下面下載我的新視頻。\n下載鏈接:/ リンク: / there! Thanks for checking out this post!Sorry for the lack of uploads, i didn\'t really had the time to re-encode the older videos and upload here as planned!\nAnyways, as always the video is available for download here/ you and have a nice day!