  • 投稿日:2024/2/3
  • 4579 再生
  • 371 いいね


各位很久不见,我是BeobachterB,终于放假了,所以挤出时间做了个小视频。欢迎加入我的吹水聊天群:469594006,欢迎大家来群里玩,也希望各位都能找到属于自己的快乐。\n虽然我很久没有更新,但我仍然持续在关注I站的情况。正常情况下,这个视频应该是我最后一次用MMD制作跳舞 sex的作品,之后作品将以跳舞为主,特殊内容将使用其他方式进行表现,同时不保证更新频率。\n马上要过年了,作为一个辞旧迎新的时间,我出于个人兴趣,简单剪辑了一个总结视频,视频的内容都来自我之前的作品以及未发布的一些试作品。在我未成为MMD作者前,我也是会这样剪辑我喜爱的作品,也许不是那几次偶然的机会,我也许会成为一个剪辑向的作者吧。到时候希望各位能轻松愉悦的欣赏完内容。最后讲一下为什么不再愿意追求更新的原因。\n1.没有用充足的时间,同时我也有点怠惰。。。\n2.技术不精,常常花费了时间却无法制作出自己满意的效果。\n3.观众阈值上升,自认为本人能力与喜好已经脱离现在环境,所以不如就此收手,成为历史,免得花费了时间精力的作品却无人问津,还会被有些口味刁钻的观众在别的地方指指点点。\n最后是本人的一点理解,赞助既是对作者的奖励也是对作者的期待,而这种期待也是一种枷锁,会限制住作者的同时带来无形。既然自己已经取消赞助,就不需要违背自己的本心,去追逐属于自己的快乐,所以,鄙人返璞归真,放飞自我,欧耶。Although I haven\'t updated in a long time, I still continue to keep an eye on the IWARA. Under normal circumstances, this video should be the last time I use MMD to produce dance sex works, after that the works will be mainly dance, special content will be expressed using other ways, while not guaranteeing the frequency of updates.\nIt\'s about to be New Year\'s Eve, and as a time to say goodbye and welcome the new year, I\'ve briefly edited a recap video out of personal interest, with content from my previous works as well as some unreleased test works. Before I became an MMD author, I would have edited my favourite works in this way, maybe I would have become an editorial writer if it wasn\'t for those few chances. When I do, I hope you\'ll enjoy the content with ease and pleasure.A final note on why I no longer want to pursue updates.Didn\'t use enough time, and I was a bit lazy at the same time.Not technically proficient, often spending time but not being able to produce results I\'m happy with.Audience threshold rises, I think my ability and preferences have been detached from the current environment, so it is better to stop, become history, lest spent time and energy works but no one asked for, but also by some tastes tricky audience in other places to point out.Lastly, it is my understanding that sponsorship is both a reward and an expectation for the author, and that this expectation is also a shackle that can limit the author while bringing in the intangible. Since he or she has cancelled the sponsorship, there is no need to go against his or her own heart to chase their own happiness, so, my humble self back to the basics, let ME fly FLY, Oye.