
  • 投稿日:2023/12/28
  • 63941 再生
  • 2125 いいね


Twitter:/ ()――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――\n10:15\n...... 啊? 我的臀部有点抖,怎么回事?\n11:20\n这部电影很有意思。......,但是梅拉已经在厕所里呆了很长时间了。 不知道她什么时候能回来。\n18:52\n梅拉和我相视一笑,说我们今天玩得很开心。\n突然,梅拉拉开了我的手。...... 这是酒店吗?\n我还以为是啊,还以为是 ...... 好吧! 我会尽力的!\n19:32\n哦,那是什么? 我不能错过的差事是什么?......\n哦,我又不是性生活不和谐 ...... 梅拉一定也是新手, .......\n但是那个电话,说它很突然,......,......?\n20:22\n她没有回复我的短信,也没有上线。\n22:42\n............\n00:52\n...... 没有回复是的,所以写完了! 这篇文章太长了 ...... 我总是尽量让它又快又短,然后再做出来 ...... 为什么 .......\n这次没有 4Kver。 这是用 aviutl 制作的,所以我只准备了高清。......\n下次我将使用新的视频编辑软件,也许可以制作 4K ....... ...... 如果我付得起钱,我希望在制作带音频的 ver 时能制作成 4K。――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――\n10:15Today is the first date in a while with Merla ......, huh? My hips are shaking a bit, what\'s wrong?\n11:20This movie is interesting......... but Merla\'s been in the bathroom for a long time. I wonder when she\'ll be back.\n18:52I laugh with Merla and say, "I had a good time today.\nAnd suddenly Merla pulls me by the hand...... is this a hotel?\nI thought it would be ah...... good, but it\'s okay, okay! I\'ll do my best!\n19:32Oh, that? What was that errand I couldn\'t miss? ......\nOh, it\'s not like I was a bad sex ...... Merla must be the first time ...... that I\'ve had bad sex.\nBut that phone call, say it was sudden,...... and then what was that,......?\n20:22She hasn\'t responded to my email or to my line.\n22:42\n............\n00:52\n...... no replyYes, so it\'s finished! It was too long ...... I always try to make it quick and short before making it ...... why .......\nNo 4Kver this time. This was created in aviutl, so I only had it ready up to HD. ......\nNext time I will use new video editing software, so 4K may be possible ....... ...... If I can afford it, I hope I can make it 4K when I make a ver with audio.