[HMV] 布莱默顿♥Bremerton Collection♥ By.Ngon [碧蓝航线 アズールレーン Azur Lane ブレマートン]

  • 投稿日:2023/10/17
  • 35795 再生
  • 941 いいね


This is my first attempt at editing, enjoy☺Because I\'m really looking forward to video producers creating more erotic HMV since Ngon released the new Bremerton BassKnight, and I\'ve been waiting for half a year, but I haven\'t seen anyone using new materials to make videos ... I\'m disheartened and decided to make the next decision-I\'ll do it myself! !\nAlthough I\'ve never done HMV, I\'ve seen a lot, and I still know a thing or two.\nPlease forgive me if you feel that you are not doing well. There are too many places that newcomers don\'t understand. Please advise.PS: This work has not been replied to and published by the original video author, and I cannot contact Mr. Ngon . If not allowed, I will immediately delete it! >_<这是我第一次尝试剪辑HMV视频,请享受☺因为我实在是太期盼自从Ngon发布新的布莱默顿银趴后会有大佬创作更色色的HMV了,结果等了大半年愣是没见到有人用新素材去做视频.....心灰意冷下一拍桌决定——我自己来!!(虽说从来没做过HMV,但是看的不少,还是略懂一二的(如果觉得做的不好还请见谅,新人不懂的地方太多了,望指教。PS:这部作品尚未得到原作者的回复就发布出来了,我无法联系到 Ngon 。如果Ngon不同意,我会立即删除它!>_<