Like It, Daddy? mini HMV

  • 投稿日:2023/7/9
  • 5890 再生
  • 107 いいね


Did the credits differently so you can loop it.still have a little editor\'s block so here\'s something small I made in a few days. I am working on something but it\'s a bit ambitious so the editing alone will take a bit on top of my procrastination. Might post a WIP but I want to do a bit more on it before that. Also, I got a cold and that\'s been hampering me, it wouldn\'t be that bad if it didn\'t make my right ear feel clogged up all week.\nAnyway, this song is supposed to be about a slutty femboy, but I\'m still stuck on a dropout kick, what else is new.\nIf I ever do the full song, I\'ll focus on that.