
  • 投稿日:2023/5/8
  • 3098 再生
  • 66 いいね


Mission Report-HQ sent me along with senpai Inessa Snezhevna to retrieve KIA harbinger La Signora in Inazuma, we managed to secure tenshukaku while Raiden Shogun went AWOL on a sex date with traveler. The package is secured and on its way to HQ. Mission record attached. (senpai is so sexy, I should ask her out after futanari pills back in stock♥♥♥♥)\n~Vasilisa Snezhevnabig thanks to props creatorsnote to self-actually Lion MUSASHI\'s model is nowhere to be found or bought, the model is a result of stiching and recover from pieces found on nyafuu, took a long time to repair all missing parts...great challange indeed 2022-2023, misterpink/YYB/Azure Lane varients/futa base on to-do list...