[Pokemon] Gardevoir Team Rocket - Dreamin Chuchu - Realy Bad Boy RBB - Wiggle Wiggle

  • 投稿日:2022/12/16
  • 12369 再生
  • 208 いいね


In the end i also did fall a bit for #1 pokewaifu and thought, i spice it up a bit with the rocket outfit (╹v╹ )Also having a Gardevoir in my team for my Violet playthrough.Body from Mister Pink Kyo model with custom edits by meFace from cm3d2 with custom editsClothings by memmd motions used:Dreamin Chuchu by 廢材Realy Bad Boy RBB by MirinTheFoxWiggle Wiggle by GentleWhiteFox