【FGO】Taimanin Raikou

00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2022/10/16
  • 468476 再生
  • 8392 いいね


源頼光 in 対魔忍特異点?!先有源賴光,才有井河アサギ,所以最後的部分是額外趕出來的The last part was temporarily added,hope guys like it.Dance Stage:無針注射器:Inwerwm我開了贊助,您可以贊助我以獲取4K版本You can support me to get the 4K version.PatreonTwitter感謝這些創作者的模型或技術支援Thanks to these creators for their models or support,你們可以在推特追蹤他們You can follow them on Twitter.陽夜hazyPigeooooonIf you like this video, please press like.I will happy for that.