シニカルナイトプラン (Cynical Night Plan) - JK x2

  • 投稿日:2022/9/26
  • 7271 再生
  • 198 いいね


I was planning on making the street busy with pedestrians, but unfortunately, MMD became unusable after adding just 2 pedestrians so I\'ll leave it up to your imagination.Futa version coming soon.Youtube version: / 蒼城 澪夏 (Miyoka Aoki) by UtiFutubo, 里宮葵乃 (Satomiya Kino) by Quappa-El, floor clothes by Tarara TarakoMotion by リングイネCover by Reina Sun Ch.Camera by meStage: Akiba by UnrealXActor, Dance Studio by NikumuniEffects: raycast, PowerDOF, WorkingFloor2 by HariganeP (used as window for reflectivity)Other: CameraScreen by krissxx, iPhone by brenokisch, StudioCamera by Leberx44qa