blender origin physical test

  • 投稿日:2022/9/4
  • 12964 再生
  • 417 いいね


视频中放弃了PMX模型中的刚体物理,转用blender原生的布料/软体物理,一次小小的尝试,其实我绝大部分视频都是pmx直接导入blender中制作,但是刚体物理编译后,在blender中预览播放十分卡顿,所以就有了这次尝试,如果有兴趣,可以和我探讨一下. 工程不做贩卖,我想要学习其它技术.In the video, I gave up the rigid body physics in the PMX model and switched to Blender\'s origin cloth&software physics. It was a small attempt. In fact, most of my videos were made by importing PMX directly into blender, but after the rigid body physics was compiled, the preview playback in blender was very blocked, so I had this attempt. If you are interested, you can discuss it with me. Project doesn\'t sell. I want to learn other technologies4K 视频会在商城售卖.You can get 4Kvideo from follow link./