ロリ ショタ Coping With Classes Part 2

  • 投稿日:2022/7/14
  • 4003 再生
  • 69 いいね


/ <--- PART 1
If you enjoy my Content why not ... / :D
In part 2 I have hopefully improved the audio quality, all music was made by me just whacking the keyboard in a particular way,
we continue the jouney in Class with (Onikawa = Miss Teacher) ,(Tera boy = John) & (Deanol Cholines = The Girl)
I believe the girl models were made by quappael and the boy by TBOMB (correct me if i'm wrong)
An attachment was used for John as the model didn't have a Penis :P
It'll be a while before part 3 appears, as the process is very long and time consuming however I do plan to continue the series and also try other ideas in this format.
Using a conjunction of TTS voices and MMD
I am attempting to make a fun video series, please share with like minded peoples who enjoy this sort of thing.