• 投稿日:2022/6/23
  • 24721 再生
  • 528 いいね


BGM :Lone Digger - Jietoman Remix这次视频的背景音乐,包含这三首歌的元素:Lone Digger - Caravan Palace (原曲)Lone Digger - 乙派米RemixLone Digger (8 Bit Version) - 8 Bit Universe单纯的8 BIt版本没有女声,感觉略微不带劲,于是我自己Remix了一下,糅合了一下各自版本里面我需要的元素,用于搭配这次的视频。如果想要下载这首歌的小伙伴,可以访问这个网址:/ made a remix version of a song for the background music of this video,The original song is "Lone Digger - Caravan Palace"If you like this song, you can download it from this website:/ there is any infringement, please contact me to delete.