Succubus-chan / thumbs up

  • 投稿日:2022/4/5
  • 11210 再生
  • 207 いいね


Just wanted to use the motion, and i remember watching someone elses that i enjoyed and wanted mine to look similar.This motion tho doesn\'t work well with a lot of the models i tried, even with the fix included? the legs don\'t want to work quite well, but its not so noticeable on this model, i need to learn something new still as well T.T was thinking of trying skillshare for some random classes but doubt it would teach me much for this kind of work who knows though!but enjoy if you do, and bleh if you dont XD, this was fairly low effort honestly, and the doggy motion i just picked because it had a similar speed/tempo to the song like the other one i remember watching, but that one i remember was a lot nicer, maybe it was with kangxi? i forget.