
00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2021/12/22
  • 723600 再生
  • 8600 いいね


The thought of being scolded by the captain is very exciting.......
真的發生的話麻煩烤肉給我 :D
本次謝謝asterisk 提供的模型,讓我可以在雷電將軍模型改完前有新模型玩
This time, thanks to asterisk's model, so that I can have a new model to play before the Raiden model edit completed.
Yes, next time it will be Raiden, miko, and Kujou
大略要一到兩個月的時間製作,畢竟平日還要上班 QQ
It takes about one to two months, because I need to create in my off hours.
It depends on how many days off I have.
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I will happy for that.