Utage - Memes and Otsumiki Recital

  • 投稿日:2019/4/19
  • 10090 再生
  • 107 いいね


Tried to recreate Utage Douraku from Anime NouCome. / failed, but it still became a little cute gal.(Height only 123cm) So i thought, i just upload it....The entire character is exported out of CM3d2 (Body, Hair, Outfits, etc).Only the eyes and the hair-ring are made by me. I also edited the front hair in blender a bit.Also, how the heck should i set the age for the character ?:If you go with the anime, it would be 29 yearsIf you go with body apperience, maybe...12 years?If you go with model creation time it would be 3 Days..... (-_-)Pixiv post:/ room is an gamerip, but sadly i don\'t know anymore there i got it from. Definitely on deviant art..Otsukimi Recita/ Friend/ FIGHT!/