前回(/ ノД`)シクシク…今回はそんな二人の奴隷生活の1日に密着しました。(∩´∀`)∩因みに奴隷の先輩として雪泉さんを本当にちょっとだけ出演してもらいましたが、以前雪泉さんを奴隷として買った竿男の父親が罪袋会長との裏設定になります(;´・ω・)(元々はモブOLでも使おうと思ったけどどうせならと雪泉さんを出しました。(;^ω^))本当は動画の最後に孕んだ二人と会長とのインタビューにするとかするつもりだったんですが、動画の長さと作成時間の無さで諦めました。(´;ω;`)ウゥゥ_____________________________________________________________________Previously (/ Minori and Murakumo were bought by Chairman Sinbukuro at a slave auction.This time, we took a close look at a day in the lives of these two slaves.In case you\'re wondering, I had Ms. Yumi appear as a senior slave for a little while, but the father of the man who bought Ms. Yumi as a slave before is the chairman of Sinbukuro.(Originally, I was going to use a mob office worker, but I decided to use Ms. Yumi anyway.In fact, I was going to make an interview with the two impregnated girls and the chairman at the end of the video, but I gave up due to the length of the video and lack of time to make it.