[エロカメラ/Perverted camera] 山風のまっさらブルージーンズ Massara Blue Jeans

  • 投稿日:2021/6/23
  • 4566 再生
  • 158 いいね


This took way longer than I expected.
I stumbled across a very interesting video in this site and decided to make my own version.
With each butt/pussy camera from 1:30 in the video onwards, she gets a bit more horny. When there isn't enough, her eyes will look normal again but eventually there are too many of those camera angles so she kept looking horny. She had fun.
Model: Cham Yamakaze v2.03 R2 15(Phoenix Edit) by cham/Phoenix
Song: Massara Blue Jeans
Motion: まっさらブルージーンズ by RUI
Stage: Simple House Stage by ThatAlex
Skydome: Cloudy Blue Skydome by Wampa842