ドレスアップしたにビスマルクによる♪[A]ddiction♪です。この動画は既に公開済の動画の脱衣版になります。一応、通常版のリンクも張っておきます。(気が向いたら見てやってください)URL : / it is English explanation.Title : [KanColle MMD R18] It is a ♪ [ A ] ddiction ♪ undressing version in Bismarck.It is ♪ [ A ] ddiction ♪ by dressed up Bismarck.This video becomes the undressing version of the video that it has already made public.It takes the link of a version, too, tentatively, generally beforehand.( See if the feeling turns ).URL : / more, this English is a decodement by the translation software, we think that there is the part which the interpretation is difficult by probably but please pardon.