[English subtitles]Let us tried to incapacitate the female demons and sexually torture them [Full version v1.4e]

00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2020/12/26
  • 64367 再生
  • 557 いいね


中国語字幕版作成者の【AidJian様】が、今度は英語字幕版を作ってくださいました!足を向けて眠れない!監修は、以前英訳をしてくださった【Dentei999様】です!良い視聴者に恵まれたなあと思います。お二人に感謝!※字幕なしの最新版(v1.4e)は画像投稿のほうからDLできます。◆高画質版(2GB)/ translate)[AidJian] who made the Chinese subtitled version made the English subtitled version this time!Supervised by [Dentei999] who translated English before!I think I was blessed with a good viewer. Thanks to both!◆High quality version(2GB)/ you need to enter the password "mmmd" into the bottom-most text box on the linked-to page, then click the button underneath.