Rin Sexuafaction Dance [VR180]

  • 投稿日:2020/12/22
  • 3476 再生
  • 64 いいね


Non-VR version is here.
This is sort of a test. I used it as a learning experience for rendering VR MMD videos. The dance isn't really as interesting from a fixed camera as I hoped and please ignore the clothing and lighting changes that were synced to camera angle cuts in the original.
Tested in DeoVR on my Oculus Rift. Let me know if it's not compatible with your device (PSVR? idk). Also let me know what you think of the quality. I don't like how many times I had to reencode intermediate files and after final compression it came out much smaller than I expected. It looks okay to me but my Rift is old and my eyesight is bad. It isn't a really complicated scene anyway.