[Pokemon/R-18] Cynthia in Roki / 【ポケモン/R18】シロナにロキ

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  • 投稿日:2020/12/6
  • 33265 再生
  • 246 いいね


I've decided to try and focus a little more on creating models, even if it's just gluing the hair from one model onto the body of another, like this one. I teased Cynthia in a Dark Magician Girl video, but I ended up dissatisfied enough with NaughtyGamePro's model that I made my own. I think I can improve on the Pokemon-themed sex toys as well...
Roki song by mikitoP.Roki motions by DrCossack.
Cynthia model combines Yui Takamura body by Arlvit and Whitefang and Cynthia hair by MikuMikuKnight.Pokemon League stadium stage from Mr-X15.Pokemon-themed vibrator model by NaughtyGamerPro.Ray-MMD by its developers.