Dog Days - Other Side

  • 投稿日:2020/8/9
  • 29543 再生
  • 564 いいね


Was actually wondering what to do next and then I remembered that in the Yamakaze video I posted before I actually planned to have Ro-chan involved, so why not put her back in? It ended up saving time because I didn\'t have to set up the stage and everything.I was also considering putting effects on but MMM could only support few and even with those few, they made Ro-chan look a bit weird, so I decided against it. I\'m more focused on the motion than how they look anyways.I\'ll probably do something short and simple after this before another longer one. We\'ll see.Ro-chan model by Tsumi dango with J&J edit and insect by Devilmetal17Enjoy.