
  • 投稿日:2020/5/30
  • 4970 再生
  • 186 いいね


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由于关系模型问题 这里没有放那种。 然后只是个人这半个月的渲染学习,视频原长是三分钟多的 但是因为某些原因所以做了个阉割版,但是乳头是穿模非常尴尬,还有许多不懂的地方。新人不懂得还请请多多指教。
(Because of the relationship model problem, there is no such thing here. Then it's just a half month's rendering study. The video was originally more than three minutes long, but for some reasons, I made a castration version, but the nipple is very embarrassing to wear the mold, and there are many things I don't understand. Please give me more advice if you don't understand)
Please enjoy