「Remake」霊夢_Booo!(Alternative Night Version)

  • 投稿日:2020/5/8
  • 8823 再生
  • 266 いいね


Someone called me to upload nude ver of the previous one. I was making another vedio and have painted a realistic skin for Reimu, but I just found at last the style became cartoon, was it useless? So this one is the result! I like blingbling(^ω^)本来在做下一个视频了,有人让我传一下晚上的版本,因为花时间做了真实皮肤但是下一个视频被我调来调去搞成了卡通风格,正想着是不是白费功夫,就干脆重新整了一遍,用在了这里。比之前的更满意,准备把VR的也渲一遍,需要加好友的留个言就行。キラキラ(☆∀☆)