[PDAFT]メランコリック Melancholic[忍野忍 Oshino Shinobu]

  • 投稿日:2020/5/4
  • 9453 再生
  • 196 いいね


挖坑一时爽……填坑火葬场 T_TTrying to add Shinobu\'s dress, but there\'s still a lot of works undone/not perfect, like the rosettes are too small and plenty of other issues.Was thought a nude apron would look erotic, but apparently not for this pv, in which almost every shots are from the front.挖坑做了小裙子,填坑填的头疼,学到了很多由于意外学到的知识……嘛,还有很多问题,以后慢慢完善……大概会吧本来以为小忍的围裙去掉小裙子会很瑟琴,但很明显这个pv不适合这么搞……等裙子改好了不怕穿模了可以试试别的pvBilibili:/ EpBody: Saltlapse / /