
  • 投稿日:2019/11/23
  • 7941 再生
  • 29 いいね


no pan!!stat for nerdPokemon Ultra Sun (USA)/exit from first pkmn center53 20 8D 3E 40 15 76 3F 71 92 95 C6 0F 00 00 00 44 55 00 00 20 02 00 00 54 4B 3D 30 74 4F 3D 30 21fly to first pkmn center53 20 8D 3E 40 15 76 3F 63 33 96 C6 0F 00 00 00 44 55 00 00 20 02 00 00 54 4B 3D 30 74 4F 3D 30any pkmn center?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 00 00 00 44 55 00 00 20 02 00 00 54 4B 3D 30 74 4F 3D 30 21EC D5 12 3F F0 B3 51 3F 77 96 A3 C6 0F 00 00 00 44 55 00 00 20 02 00 00 54 4B 3D 30 74 4F 3D 30 2169 0B 3D 3F 8D CE 19 3F 99 40 8E C5 0F 00 00 00 44 55 00 00 20 02 00 00 54 4B 3D 30 74 4F 3D 30 218\t *300/3.142-27500 *10/-3.142-275001B6803DAD7A\t 6\tmove Z1B6803DAD741B6803DAD68\t-C\tupdown\t3120-0.1 -3120-0.11B6803DAD64\t-10\tupdown2big1B6803DAD54\t-20\twarp z e31B6803DAD50\t-24\tmoveX e2\t312 0.47 -312 0.471B6803DAD4C\t-28\tzoom1B6803DAD48\t-2C\twarp zoom1B6803DAD44\t-30\twarpY1B6803DAD40\t-34\twarpX1B6803DAD3C\t-38\terror NOP-3C\tfield of viewsmove z \t1B6803DAD7Apointer\t1B6803DAD74\t12move y\t1B6803DAD68move x\t1B6803DAD50\t182.101947696E-445121.346901744E137.830410977E-39-0.10184573380.46862992649CD63EEADB9CD63EC6DB9CD600C6DB9C-1.417759499E-21-8.829131629E16-28110.417971.826220924E-3826530FDED00\t0\t\tremove road asset26530FDED04\t0\t\tremove road asset26530FDED08\t3.178350028E-9\tno effect26530FDED0C\t1.401298464E-45\tno effect26530FDED10\t0\t\twarp Y slop26530FDED14\t3.17159605\tresize Y26530FDED18\t0\t\tcamera rotZ (!)\t\tVIP\t-5C(panty) 5.1\tNOP is 11F60967 to26530FDED1C\t0\t\tCamera moveY 100-800\t(!)\tVIP26530FDED20\t-1.902957678\tresize X26530FDED24\t0\t\twarp X slop26530FDED28\t0\t\twarp X(?)26530FDED2C\t0\t\tno effect /camera move X\t(!)\t-48\tNOP is 11F60C27 to26530FDED30\t0\t\tfov X26530FDED34\t0\t\tfov Y26530FDED38\t1.001001\tfov Z26530FDED3C\t30.03003311\twarp Y\t\t(?)\t-3826530FDED40\t0\twarp X\t/camera Warp X\t(!)\t-34\tNOP is 11F60ED7 to26530FDED44\t0\twarp Z\t/move Y26530FDED48\t-1\twarp Z26530FDED4C\t0\tzoom Z\t\t\t-28\terr26530FDED50\t0.5515756011\tmove LR and cam mess26530FDED54\t-1.490116119E-8\tno effect26530FDED58\t-0.8364775777\tmove X again26530FDED5C\t6222.077148\tmove LR again 326530FDED60\t-0.1732986867\trotate Z\t-1426530FDED64\t0.9781959057\tmove Y\t\t-10\t(panty)\t026530FDED68\t-0.1144577116\tmove Y26530FDED6C\t6822.758301\tmove Y26530FDED70\t0.8162369728\tmove Z zoom\tVIP\t-426530FDED74 pointer26530FDED78\t0.5390958786\tmove Z zoom26530FDED7C\t-28555.0625\tmove Z zoom26530FDED80\t2.101947696E-44\tno effect26530FDED84\t3.058754288E-41\tno effect26530FDED88\t7.623063646E-43\tno effect