##FINALLY, after 3 days and 27 attempts of uploading I’ve successed this time on 28th retry. My upload speed was on average of 300KBps, so I don’t know which side is to blame for (either my provider fault or trollvids server) Anyway, sorry for them who was waiting X|When I watch it again, I realize that I forgot her vaginal motion :v. I’ll added it later in the next video xl.I’m using NCHL for the main shader, and God! It’s Gorgeous! But, the downside was, I need 2.5 hours to render it :v. Well, considering I have subscribers (thanks to them), I would do anything I can for them :D (except for model sharing :v..... seems so).Oh yeah, I improved her boobs into hi poly, so less vertex edge will be seen. You can compare it from my previous vids if you don’t believe me :vNew wallpaper uploaded to my DevArt/ it if you didn’t see it yet :DEnjoy! :D