[MMD] Kaat - galaxias! [R-18]

  • 投稿日:2015/3/20
  • 34138 再生
  • 207 いいね


Night Owl Public Access Network (N.O.P.A.N.) proudly presents episode 5 of "Dancing with no Panties". Tonight’s episode features Kaat’s Public Audition performance as she dances to "galaxias!"Notes: Big thanks to J&J for releasing the Kaat model - she’s fantastic! The skirt up slider is very handy (used 0.5 setting for this). Since I’ve been limited on time lately, I decided to use a shorter song, and "galaxias!" clocks in around 90 seconds without the outro. I opted to use the crowd from the Dance Hall stage - just needed to re-arrange the positions a bit and then changed their color slightly since the solid black looked a bit odd to me. I hope you like it.Credits are at the end of the video.