Milk sweetness and huge boobs by cute cow girl

00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2018/1/25
  • 132453 再生
  • 423 いいね


➩ Instant donateSecond part / is my non-standard project, mainly thanks to original voice acting by / - Your opinion? Does the voice improve impression? By the way, I also have Patreon page to support my works, and there are early access bonuses, including for this video!If you like milk and cow girls, also see my gallery: / Twitter*I think for this particular video, voice is necessary! But if you do not like it, there\'s non-voiced videoTranslation into Japanese0:04 喉が渇いているのを感じる0:16 これは魔法の草です0:25 それは動作します! 彼らは増加する0:35 それでも十分に大きくない0:42 非常にタイトな0:47 すでにうまくいっていますか0:54 いいえ! まだ早い1:11 私は爆発しようとしていると思う!1:55 私の甘い牛乳を飲みたいですか?TDA Miku by aga; じーんGrassyField-Rh by hiro KSkydome_T2 by 怪獣対若大将PParticles by beamman