これクロマキー合成って言うらしい。最初は合成なしでアップロードする予定だったけど、誰かがやってるの思い出して勉強しました。何か新鮮ー!お尻だけじゃなくてみんな大好きおっぱいも拝めるなんて最高やん(\'ω\')It seems to say this is chroma key composition. At first it was planned to upload without synthesis, but I remembered someone\'s work and studied.Something fresh! It \'s not just ass but everyone loves boobs to be able to worship the greatest likes (\'ω\')※追記某所で調整用ボーン作成プラグインっていう便利そうな機能のお話が出てた(*‘∀‘)サンキューやで551今度つこてみる[Image]/ that I shared with Patreon were uploaded yesterday, so I did not synthesize chroma key.-----Patreon-----/