Yumi The Spy 裏続

  • 投稿日:2024/7/6
  • 3250 再生
  • 206 いいね


リクエストを受けて\nYumi The Spy裏\nのスパイ雪泉の続編を作ってみました。\n前回捕獲され、生物兵器との受精実験を強行されたスパイ雪泉さん(´;ω;)ウゥゥ\nしかし、どれだけ犯されても受精しなかったことから実験失敗とされ、慰安部門に引き渡され、\n研究員たちへ慰安の日々を送っていた。\n/ ノД)シクシク…\nって感じのストーリーとなっております。\n今回動画でテロップ入れなかったですが、黒丸の触手は常に媚薬効果のある粘液を出し続けており、\n直接胎内に注がれている雪泉さんはもはや感度300倍程度になっているかと思っています( ´艸`)_________________________________________________By request.\nYumi The Spy裏I made a sequel to Spy Yumi ofLast time, Yumi the spy was captured and forced to undergo a fertilization experiment with a biological weapon.(´;ω;)ウゥゥ\nHowever, since she was not fertilized no matter how much she was raped, the experiment was declared a failure and she was handed over to the comfort department,\nShe was handed over to the comfort department and spent her days providing comfort to the researchers.\n/ \nAfter that, he was sent back to the laboratory again for the development of a new bioweapon and for fertility testing of the newly developed bioweapon,\nThe days of being raped by the bioweapon began again.( ノД)シクシク…\nThis is the story.\nI didn\'t include a message in the movie, but the tentacles of the black circle are constantly emitting an aphrodisiac mucus,\nI believe that the sensitivity of Ms. Yukizumi, who is being poured directly into the womb, is now about 300 times higher than before.( ´艸`)Translated with DeepL.com (free version)