Game for Miku - hypnosis earing & tongue heel

  • 投稿日:2024/5/12
  • 8368 再生
  • 244 いいね


大家好,本次故事的主角轮到了Miku。非常具有责任心的Miku在看到了姐妹们遭遇后毅然决然地决定前往营救,即使以自己为堵住也在所不惜。视屏中出现的游戏是21点,双方比较谁的点数更接近21谁就为赢家,Ace可以选择作为1点或者11点(本来想做一个德州的玩法,但是电脑实在是带不动这么多模型,如果21点的规则有误,还请大家见谅)。个人非常喜欢这种,明知是陷阱,但是还是前往参与,一步一步深陷泥潭,最终无助认输。后面如果有机会的可能还会尝试这种。这次也是第一次尝试渲染,很多参数、材质、光线调得不是很好,希望大家见谅。催更Q群:787127764。下期做啥还没想好,如果搞剧情的话估计要换场景了,因为3个房间都已经住满了:D\n由于i站上传间隔8小时,着急想看下集的lsp们可以加群查看,明天再更另一集(Miku战败CG)Hello everyone. This time come to Miku\'s turn. The game showed in video is Blackjack. Originally Holdem is the designed, however my computer doesn\'t allow such amount of card appear in video. Since I\'m not that familar with Blackjack, forgive me if the rules is wrong. This is probably the first time I tried to use ray-effect, I try my best to make it look nicer but there\'s still a long way to go.\nIf the next is going to do more plot, probably they will be moved to a new place since the dungeon is already full :D. Hope you like it.