速O奏Hotel Time

  • 投稿日:2024/2/16
  • 22614 再生
  • 788 いいね


大家好,我是BeobachterB,欢迎加入我的吹水聊天群:469594006,欢迎大家来群里玩,也希望各位都能找到属于自己的快乐。\nKK忽略掉一些不可控的穿模和不可名状的扭曲,制作的速度确实比MMD快上不少,以后可以愉快的摸鱼了。同时凭借恋活广袤的角色池,可以选择更多我喜爱系列的角色,这正是我想要的。\n最后感谢群u花开的协助。\nKK ignores some uncontrollable through the mold and indescribable distortion, the production speed is indeed faster than MMD on a lot, can be happy after fishing. At the same time, with the vast pool of characters, I can choose more characters in my favorite series, which is exactly what I want.