07 龙年鸭

00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2024/2/11
  • 2181 再生
  • 141 いいね


祝各位站友新年快乐,原画2k版本放在企鹅群794535746中,因为学业原因这一年可能不能持续高产,敬请谅解,等读研后一定钻研涩涩,给大家更高质量的视频回馈,谢谢支持。I wish all the station friends a happy New Year. The 2k version of the original painting was placed in Penguin Group 794535746. Due to academic reasons, it may not be able to continue to produce high yield this year. Please understand that you must study hard after graduate school and give you higher quality video feedback. Thank you for your support.