賀正2024 (Iwara Edition)

  • 投稿日:2023/12/31
  • 5843 再生
  • 165 いいね


とうとう今年も最後の日になりました。先日にて、Patreonの支援者様向けに、新動画「賀正2024」アップさせていただきました。元々はPatreon限定のつもりでしたが、Iwaraのフォロワーにもご挨拶させていただきたいので、本番を削った差分をアップさせていただきました。こちらもみんなでゆっくりお正月を過ごすだけの内容なので、ストーリーもNTR要素も一切ありません。また、年末は都合により新作はまだ完成していません...それでは、みなさま、どうぞ良いお年をお迎えください!/ the last day of this year has come. I had uploaded a new video "Happy New Year 2024" for my Patreon supporters a few days ago. Originally, it was intended to be exclusive to Patreon, but I also wanted to say happy new year to Iwara\'s followers, so I upload this special version without the sex actions. This is also just a story about spending a relaxing New Year\'s holiday together, so there is no story or NTR at all.Also, due to circumstances at the end of the year, the new work has not yet been completed...Well then, everyone, please have a happy new year!/ will be very grateful if you follow me, like the video before you apply the friend request.Due to circumstances in January, it will be difficult to create videos, so I will be updating less frequently. Thank you for the understanding.