Test 3 布洛妮娅- Nice body

  • 投稿日:2023/4/23
  • 56000 再生
  • 1000 いいね


这次主要是学习试用了一下KKUTS,IBL。——改变头发的材质感——身体的受到环境光照射产生的阴影和高光效果(可能会变得油腻一点?)——身体的轮廓线表现更加圆滑(近距离看胸部的话观感会比较明显,锯齿方面的问题应该会比以前好一点)不过修改材质真的太太太麻烦了啊!谢谢观看,记得点个喜欢再走呀。Thank you for watching. Please give me a like If you enjoy my videos見てくれてありがとう。感谢各位作者的SD,人物卡和mod。聊天群:633180632(群内没有游戏相关资源,只是单纯聊天,群快满的时候会请出一部分潜水几个月的群友,没有恶意)无论是否赞助,你都可以从MEGA获得我的4k60fs视频如果你能支持我的创作,我会十分感谢。赞助链接:/ 3 里,这里就不重复了。All video which release in public resources have been integrated into the links including private video. (None of the links have a secret key set)(想获得度盘的合集的朋友可以通过在patreon赞助获得,如果需要补档的话请私信我)Sponsored or not, you get my 4K60FS video from MEGA..I would appreciate it if you could support my creation, help me share MEGA\'s expenses .I hope this work can be enjoyed by both domestic audiences and foreign audiences.If you have a good opinion, welcome to exchange.本期视频名称: Test 3 布洛妮娅 Nice bodyName of current video: Test 3 布洛妮娅 Nice body今回働画名称: Test 3 布洛妮娅 Nice bodyLink: /