Haku homes new basement

  • 投稿日:2023/3/5
  • 10673 再生
  • 194 いいね


非常抱歉距离上一个视频隔了这么久,今年求职找工作是真的很难,没有太多的时间来做视频。这个视频主要是一些剧情上的链接(个人比较喜欢衔接、铺垫些剧情),搞颜色的部分比较少。下一部视频应该是主要是大家喜闻乐见的部分了。我创建了一个Discord,地址是/ for so much time of disappearing, it is so hard for a graduate student to find a job this year and hopefully I\'m going to get one. This video is some pre slot of future eposide and thus not that much funny thing in it. Hopefully, the majority of my next video will be the parts that every one excited about.I create a discord and if you are interested in my video you can get into it. Here is the link: / Recently I feel that I\'m lacking idea of creating new video, if you can share some good idea about the slot of future video, I\'ll be very appreciate. Also, it seems that I\'m still not have enough time to learn ray\'s effect and not that much idea of choosing mucis as well as editing model through pmx and blender. If you are an expert in these area, you are extermemly welcome to this group and have some further discussion togther.