765女子校陸上部が練習中に路上ライブ 765 girls\' school track team performs on the street during practice

  • 投稿日:2023/1/24
  • 7495 再生
  • 154 いいね


アイドル活動と同様にスポーツにも力を入れている765女子校。陸上部の薄手のユニフォームが汗で濡れて乳首もクッキリ、よく見ると股間にシミも・・・陸上ユニフォームってグッと来ませんか?好きな衣装(?)なのと、新春企画のリクエストにもあったので、765女子校陸上部を妄想して作ってみました。あずさは陸上部OGでコーチに来ているって設定で、楽しんでください。今回は非常に健全なビデオですが、全ては次回の前振りという事で・・・The 765 girls\' school puts as much emphasis on sports as it does on idol activities. The track team\'s thin uniforms are soaked with sweat, their nipples are clearly visible, and if you look closely, you can see a stain on their crotch...Aren\'t track uniforms sexually suggestive? It\'s my favorite costume (?). I made it based on my fantasy of the 765 girls\' school track team.Azusa is a graduate of the track club and is here as a coach, so have fun with the setting.Very wholesome video this time, but it\'s a prep for next episode...