White Heart- Call on Me(4k)

  • 投稿日:2023/1/9
  • 3273 再生
  • 83 いいね


More practice with lighting and material mapping, also attempting to render in 4k res. The stage maker already did most, but I fiddled with a few settings. I could never figure out how to get the waterfall in front of the sign to work, though. If anyone has ideas, please let me know. I did add some motions of my own, but they were minor and hard to notice, aside from the ending face, which was my doing. The next video will probably take a lot longer. I will be trying to do my own camera movements in that one.Motion/camera/wav: Adermar440 (minor motion modifications and ending face by me)Stage and most of the lighting: khoast40Model: DatMMDGuy