[Insect/虫)] Lilia leisure time!

  • 投稿日:2022/12/21
  • 12602 再生
  • 793 いいね


Didn't have many ideas but wanted to make something similar to what Banana did a year ago, hope they don't get mad I copied their vid :p
Wanted to try out the updated models TitaniumCactus released as well. Noticed a bit of jank (as per usual) now over a month later but can't be bothered to re-animate and re-render.
Originally planned to upload more than one video this christmas, however I ended up abandoning the other projects after finishing this one since the files were old and broken. I won't say when a new one vid will come, sorry to disappoint.
Happy holidays everyone! Hope you have a good next year!
Lilia by Inwerwm
Updated Radroach and Bloatfly by TitaniumCactus
Cute bed by amiamy111
Maggot/larvae by at30244
Song: Tillit - Gig gig gig