NO0 新的开始 NO0 a new beginning

  • 投稿日:2022/10/31
  • 32304 再生
  • 1070 いいね


新人初投稿。您会在这里看到:拙劣的模仿生硬的动作稀烂的剪辑以及一颗虫族万岁的心感谢两个多月以来,香蕉不厌其烦的指导,没有他,就没有这部作品。感谢同好们的期待。这部算是验证学习成果的动画,以后的后续作品,我会尽量丰富剧情,以及更多的想法。以上······享受夜晚吧!New contributors.You will see here:Poor imitationBlunt actionA lousy clip.And a long live zerg heart.Thanks to Banana\'s tireless guidance for more than two months, without him, there would be no such work.Thank you for your expectation.This is an animation to verify the learning results, and I will try my best to enrich the plot and more ideas for future follow-up works.The above ... Enjoy the night!