紫、雅 凌辱調教 フタナリ版

  • 投稿日:2022/9/16
  • 9000 再生
  • 309 いいね


遂に雅モデルを発見したので早速使ってみることにしました。モデル元:SAB64さん(/ finally found the Miyabi model and decided to use it right away.Model source: SAB64 (/ used it as a training model with Mr. Murasaki, which I had obtained before but had not used yet.Model: marrsys (/ a video image, Hebijo is suddenly attacked by the sin-bag army.Although most of the members were in the middle of going out and only Miyabi and Murasaki were handling the situation, Murasaki was captured and from there Masashi was also captured.The two are separately confined and trained.Miyabi = good looking guy = man in my mind, so I forced Masashi to become a futanari and train him.I think that people like or dislike the futanari, so I\'m going to make a normal version as well....normal version is here (/'m not sure if I can come up with the right situation, but it took me a long time.Translated with DeepL.com/Translator (free version)