Haku Fall

  • 投稿日:2022/8/7
  • 12121 再生
  • 253 いいね


Second work with MMD. To be honest, I\'m not pretty satisfied with this work and acutally 70% precent of this video has been finished approximately 2 months ago and the more I work on it, the more I dislike this idea and this is the reason why these two months why I\'m not working on it. Hope you guys like it. Also thanks to all the people on Iwara that help me cope with the problem I meet during creating.I find that I\'m really bad at working with songs full of rhythm. Maybe I\'ll try to not work with some in future works. I\'ll be glad if someone can provide me some sex voice.个人的MMD第二部作品。说实话我对自己这部作品还是挺不满意的,最初认为是个挺不错的想法,2个月前就完成了70%,但是越做越觉得很差,这也是拖了2个月时间的原因。总之最终还是强迫自己完成了。感谢所有再Iwara上帮助我的朋友。另外就是我发现自己对于音乐踩点一类真的恨不擅长,以后可能主要采用爱爱的音效了,如果有朋友有相关的音效资源能提供给我的话我会非常感谢。希望大家能喜欢。