[Insect] Poolside Bugs

00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2022/5/25
  • 946000 再生
  • 21000 いいね


Not a lot to say about this video. I really like it, hopefully you will too. It ended up being a bit longer than originally planned - but I doubt you have a problem with that ;)
Also, for some reason the audio gets a little out of sync when I upload, not sure why that is - I hope it's not too distracting
I have a couple more ideas for possible videos, but I won't have time to explore any of them in the near future. Expect a long delay before the next work...
Thanks to modelers as always:
Roach and Bloatfly - CicadasAreCool
Mythra and Pyra - MrJinSenpai & Capt.Kyosuke
Muted-Fly - Devilmetal17
Until next time. Thanks for watching!