
00:00 / 00:00
  • 投稿日:2022/4/25
  • 12816 再生
  • 499 いいね


このキャラクターは初代筆頭局長の芹沢鴨を模した(キメラ)モデルだよ。「幕末尽忠報国烈士伝MIBURO」に登場するよ。眼つきがとんでもなく悪いおねぇさんだよ。作中でも屈指の魅力のあるキャラだけど、史実通りに粛清されて途中退場するよ(泣き)。個人的には「幕末尽忠報国烈士伝MIBURO」はマブラヴに匹敵する良ゲーなのでやってみると良いよ。ほぼ史実通りなので歴史の勉強になる珍しいエロゲだよ。新選組になる前の壬生浪士組から明治に入った後の西南戦争までを体験で出来るゲームだよ。This character is a chimera model of Kamo Serizawa, the first director of the Shinsen Gumi.She appears in "MIBURO" (MIBURO: The story of a loyal and devoted warrior at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate).She is a woman with a very bad look in her eyes.She is one of the most attractive characters in the work, but she is purged as in the historical fact and leaves the stage (tears).Personally, I think "MIBURO" is as good a game as "Muv-Luv", so you should give it a try. It is a rare hentai-game that is almost based on historical facts, so it is a good study of history.It is a game where you can experience from the Mibu Roshigumi before they became the Shinsengumi to the Seinan Senso (Civil War) after the Meiji era.